Wednesday, May 2, 2007


So, the first damage to the bike happened this week. I had just gotten through a busy Monday and was getting ready to leave the office when my phone rang. It was a woman from an office on the floor above me. She was calling to tell me that she believed she hit my motorcycle as she was backing out of a parking space. I felt my stomach tighten. She said she had already called her insurance agent to file a claim, and that I should inspect the bike and let her agent know if I found anything. I thanked her for calling, got the information, then headed out nervously to see what might have happened.
Right away, I noticed the right floorboard. It had been bent and curled under. It also appeared that the right highway peg had been flipped up and scraped. It didn't look good. I snapped a few photos with my camera phone. I went back into the office, called the woman and let her know I found some damage. I then called her insurance agent and left him a message, since it was after 5.
It looked like the bike was still in drivable condition, so I got on and headed home. As soon as I put my foot on the floorboard, it felt even worse. It now seemed like the floorboard was not only bent, but the support bolting it to the frame felt bent, too. My heel felt much closer to the pipes, so I'm sure there is a problem there.
About halfway home, I noticed there was more damage than I realized. I looked down at the head lamps and realized the right lamp assembly had been bent and twisted, too. The driving lamp and the turn signal were turned out, and the turn lamp Fat Boy logo visor I had added was bent, too. So, when I got home, I took some more photos in the driveway.
So, for the past few days, Kacee and I have been calling insurance agents and the Harley shop. It looks like the claim is going to be 100 percent covered by the other driver (I can't imagine why it would not have been; my motorcycle was parked well within the boundaries of the motorcycle parking space, and she must have really been tearing out of the adjacent space to bang up the bike like she did). Now, we're waiting for an adjuster to come look at the bike, then take it to the shop for an estimate. It's been quite an annoyance. And, to top it all off, the weather has been beautiful this week and everywhere I turn people are on their bikes and enjoying it. I, on the other hand, am cooped up in the old Jeep Cherokee until the bike is fixed.
All in all, I guess I shouldn't complain too much. It could have been a lot worse. I could have been on the bike at the time, someone could have been injured, it could have been my fault, the bike could have fallen on the ground, the bike could have fallen on the other bike next to it, the other driver could have been uninsured, the other driver could have made it a hit-and-run, and so on and so forth. At any rate, I'm hopeful it all turns out OK and maybe I'll even end up with a bit nicer stuff than I had before. Since all the items were damaged on the right side only, and I suspect the parts will have to be purchased in pairs, maybe I'll end up with some spare parts.
So, I probably won't post again until I get an estimate and a check from the insurance company. I'll be sure to post photos when all the repairs are done, too. In the meantime, I'll openly wish for the strange rain and, yes, snow storms the weathermen are predicting in the 10-day forecast. Maybe then I won't have to feel too bad about not being able to ride my bike.